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Reasons Why You Are Not Getting That Promotion At Work

Updated on October 7, 2013
Jeannieinabottle profile image

Jeannie has been writing online for over 10 years. She covers a wide variety of topics—hobbies, opinions, dating advice, and more!


Always Falling Short

You've been working at ABCD Company for over 10 years now, but you never get that promotion. Sure, they might throw a Christmas bonus your way here and there, but you never get the position or the raise you really want. So why not?

Perhaps the secret to your unsuccessful time working at your job is not so secret. Maybe it has been in front of you all along, but you just can't accept it. Well, I am here to help you determine why you are not getting a promotion at work. This might just save you a lot of time and heartache. However, it is pretty likely it won't. You might just have a laugh; you might not even do that.

Reason 1: You're Annoying

Yes, I said it. You are annoying. Just accept it. When you walk in the room, do co-workers walk away from you? Are you no longer invited to lunch with other employees? Do people roll your eyes when you ramble on at meetings? Yep, you are annoying.

Basically, as long as no one likes you, you are going to have a tough time getting a promotion. Maybe it isn't even you; maybe it is the culture at your job. Perhaps you just don't fit in. For whatever reason, your co-workers think you are a major nuisance and until you figure out how to stop that, no promotion for you.

Reason 2: You Smell Funny

Did you know that 18% of the time people don't get promoted at work, it is because they smell like a tuna fish sandwich? OK, I totally just made that up, but let's face it, no one wants to promote a stinky pants. If you smell weird or eat smelly foods all the time, no one is going to like you. So now, take a shower and pack a better smelling lunch for work!

Reason 3: You Don't Know What You Are Doing

Bless your heart if you'd like to get a promotion, but don't know the first thing about anything at your job. If you hear people snicker behind your back when you attempt to work the copier, but can't figure out what the "Start" button means, you might not get that promotion. On a positive note, I am proud of you that you figured out how to even find this hub you are reading right now. Go you!

If you haven't the slightest idea what is happening at your office, but you'd like to be in charge of it, that is nice and ambitious, but it probably isn't going to happen. You might be able to get a promotion by showing some enthusiasm and brown nosing a bit, but you'd be way better off taking some classes to improve yourself and working harder to understand your job.

Reason 4: You Are Already the Boss

Yeah, what are you doing reading this? If you are already running the company, don't waste anyone's time with this. You can promote yourself, give yourself a raise, or change your job title anytime you want. Maybe you can even hire someone else to run the company so that person can give you a promotion. Time to stop being so weird and stop reading this hub.


Reason 5: Brown Nosing is Not Your Thing

At many companies, you need to just simply suck up to the boss a lot. It is really all there is to it. Brown nose your way to a promotion! Sure, none of your co-workers will like you, but hey, you got that dream job.

You say brown nosing is not your thing? Keeping your dignity and your friends at work is more important to you? Well, you are just not going to get that promotion at some companies. Go ahead and try actually earning that promotion; that takes way too long.

Reason 6: Sleeping on the Job

Considering you've been caught several times taking naps in your cubicle, you are lucky if you still have a job. Trying to get a promotion might be a bit far-fetched. This is especially the case with all that snoring.

If you'd really like to get promoted, it is time to start drinking lots of caffeine, getting enough sleep at night, and pretending to be alert. If all else fails, you are going to need a doctor's note describing why you are so sleepy all the time. They can't discriminate against you now!

Reason 7: You Keep Stealing Office Supplies

OK, you are not fooling anyone. Everybody at your job knows you've been taking all the red ink pens and the new stapler. That is bad enough, but when you stole all the extra toilet paper out of the office restroom, that was an all-time low. That stuff isn't even soft!

Sure, if you got that promotion, you could probably afford to buy your own office supplies, but honestly, you don't need a surplus of Post-It notes at your home anyway. If you stopped being dishonest, perhaps you might get a promotion after all.


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